I do not know about you, but over the last two weeks I have been impacted with Tariffs discussions on radio, telephone and on every television station. Frankly I am looking for an escape from this barrage of information and opinions. This is too much distraction.
Anything new and less debilitating? Sorry, the saga continues. Last Sunday, in a toast acknowledging Black History, I recited the lyrics from the song ‘Hymn to Freedom ‘, music by Oscar Peterson, and lyrics by Harriette Hamilton. I also read a quotation from Dr. Martin Luther King’s acceptance speech for his Nobel Peace Award. Both were appropriate for Black History Month Celebration, as they represented great hope for Black people and for humanity in general. Dr King was assassinated at age 39. I asked myself the question if he were still here to witness the sad state of mankind, the growing practice of racism, the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer and the disrespect and dehumanizing of those of a different race, color and ethnicity, would his faith be shaken or changed? I believe his faith in mankind would stand the test. Dr King is one of a kind. How much faith do I have? How much faith do you have? Do you see hope for mankind when we tolerate racism, distracted by wealth and power, and the pursuit of these? Come with me. Social Psychologists will tell you that the thinking and behavior of leaders are very similar to that of their followers. In other words, a Protestant group, all things being even, would not select a Catholic leader to represent it at a religious bconvention. A racist leader would not be selected to lead a non-racist group. The friends of the school bully leader, very often demonstrate some bully characteristics, hidden or controlled. So, a president in a leadership role would be supported by those whose thinking is like his/her. So, leaders and followers are often in the same boat, some at the front, some at the back, and some on deck, but they are all in the same boat. Racist followers will choose racist leaders. Sometimes racist beliefs are closeted, but become active at the ballot box.—Get my drift?
Racism is often used to exploit others. At times good human beings are exploited because of the color of their skin, their ethnicity, their socioeconomic background, sex and their age. They are often dehumanized, put in service for the benefit and enrichment of others. At times the acquisition and accumulation of wealth is insatiable. The more one has, the more one will want. Racism is often void of empathy for other human beings, reducing them to a low standard of living. The Bible tells us that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of
a needle than for a wealthy person to get to heaven. Grant it , the reference was not of a sewing needle, but the analogy remains the same.
Like racism, wealth and the worshipping of it, can turn one into a human robot with a lack of respect and empathy. A wealthy leader, a wealthy president will continue to treat other humans with disdain and arrogance. Sometimes we must wonder about those who grew up in wealth and affluence and are incapable of empathizing with the poverty that others may have to live with. History is replete with enough stories and scandals involving powerful wealthy people who abuse their advantages and turn a blind eye toward the suffering of others.
There is a story about Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, when told that the shortages of bread were threatening the underclass, she responded, ”Qu ‘ils mangent d la brioche”. (“Let them eat cake”) She was not able to sense the impact of the bread shortages on the poor. This numbness to others often generates fear and conformity.
One President once said that he could shoot someone in the street, and nothing would happen to him. This, if it is genuinely felt, may just be the figment of his imagination. But what is dangerous is to even think that way. To have power at times is good, because it can be used positively to help uplift mankind, It must not be used to lift up the self at the expense of everybody else. The present impasse, anxiety and frustration brought on by the unfair and unreasonable increase in Tariffs imposed by our neighbour the United States on Canada will cause a shortage of bread for Canadians. Do I hear the message, –‘Too bad, let them eat doughnuts? Wealth and power exist to promote control. One seldom gives up power and control. How can this cycle be broken? Blacks must find a way to acquire power honestly so that they can begin to control their own destiny and progress. It is time Blacks become their own masters. Mark you, we have come a long way, but there are still many miles to go. Use this month to catch up on some Black History.