Protesters are again on the streets of Louisville, Kentucky and across the US seeking justice for Breonna Taylor after a grand jury failed to bring homicide charges against the police officers who burst into her apartment and shot her multiple times on March 13.
Breonna Taylor, a The 26-year-old Taylor was at home with her boyfriend Kenneth Walker when three officers, Jonathan Mattingly, Brett Hankison, and Myles Cosgrove burst into her apartment. The officers knocked before forcing entry, but how the officers announced their identity before forcing entry is in dispute.
Thinking they were intruders, Walker drew his guns and fired at the officers, shooting one of them.
The officers fired over 20 shots in return hitting Taylor shot five times, killing her on the spot.
One of the officers, Hankison was fired by the LMPD on June 23, 2020 and on September 23; the grand jury indicted him not for Taylor’s death, but on three counts of wanton endangerment. The two other officers involved in the raid were not indicted.
On September 15, the city of Louisville agreed to pay Taylor’s family $12 million and promised to reform police practices.