Patricia Beckford celebrates 70 with church and community

Patricia Beckford celebrates 70 with church and community

The buzz of excitement circulating in and around Centre Sarto-Desnoyer in Dorval on Saturday, January 21, centered on Ms. Patricia Beckford and her 70th birthday celebration.
She was joined by a roomful of her church family as well as the many lifelong friends who have provided support and comfort through the many phases of her life.
The semi-retired Patricia continues in her private practice as a nurse and remains after 47 years, a staunched and hard-working member of the Westmount Seventh Day Adventist Church, where she serves as head of the Women Ministry and Social Committee.
She has also garnered much respect for her support of a wide range of community activities and organizations including the Black Theatre Workshop.
And as she moves gracefully into her golden years, Patricia continues to shine with the dignified elegance and sparkling joy that have always been her blessings, and which she share enthusiastically with those around her.

The birthday celebration and the close to 200 in attendance were a reflection of the joy that Patricia has brough to many lives that have crossed her path.
She was joined in celebration by her 88-year-old mother May Barnett and 89-year-old father Kenneth Thompson as well as her son John and her sisters Dawn and Antoinette.
Also, Pastors Hopeton Cousins and Orlando Patterson and their wives Teca and Dianne were there at her side as they have been for so many years.
Cocktail music was provided by cellist Ray Fankhauser and entertainment for the evening included Dexter Johnston, West Can Folk Performing Co., while DJ 610 provided other musical flavors.