P.K. Subban said that he loves Montreal…give him time Trump’s billions and PK Subban’s $10M

The only thing Bob White newI like about Donald Trump is how he became a millionaire.  He used a particular process to become a billionaire, not a millionaire, a billionaire.
You cannot be the president of the U.S.A. unless you were born in there. Donald Trump in 2015 still insists that the current president of the U.S.A. was not born there. We all know he’s wrong, but he will not admit he’s wrong.
CNN television loves Donald Trump. CNN normally charges $5,000 to advertise during a political debate, but the recent debate with “The Donald” saw their rates shoot up to $200,000. This is why CNN loves Donald Trump.
Donald Trump is a real estate genius. In one of his bestselling books, ‘The Art of The Deal’ he writes, “To be successful in real estate depends on location, location, location.” This is wrong.
If he comes to Montreal and goes to Notre-Dame and Atwater, he would see that it’s a perfect location for a restaurant. It’s right on the corner. It went bankrupt and the building closed and remains empty.
Professor said, “Donald Trump is very, very smart. He understands the American people and knows how they think, but Donald Trump is a latent racist like most Americans. The U.S.A. was built on slavery and hatred; this is one of the reasons why Donald Trump is way ahead in popularity.
Racism is like cancer; you don’t always know you have it.
Genius said, “Never mind Donald Trump. P.K. Subban, a hockey player, in case you don’t know, donated $ 10 million dollars to the Montreal Children’s Hospital.  $ 10 million dollars. No other NHL player or athlete in Canada has ever made this large a donation. However, it was not good enough for a lot of people. The haters say it was for tax purposes, blah, blah, blah… Nobody else in Canada has ever done what P.K. Subban has, yet the haters cannot get past Subban’s black skin.
P.K. Subban said that he loves Montreal. He’s a great guy and as time goes by he will find out how good Montreal is. The city that he says he loves, that has 55 city councilors and only one who is black.”
There was an Amen from everybody.
“It’s very easy!” said Professor, “Everything is easy in Quebec.  If you want to tell yourself the truth, if you’re not in denial and don’t believe that “denial” is a river in Egypt. Look in the mirror everyday, look at your skin – it’s black.  Listen to Montreal radio about what the people are saying about P.K. Subban who donated $10 million dollars to a hospital and about his being captain of the Canadiens hockey team.
When he was awarded the Norris Trophy for being the best at his position, listen to the haters.
Have a talk with Brian Wilde from CTV Sports who said, “P.K. Subban will never be captain of the Montreal Canadiens because the world is not ready for a Black captain of an NHL hockey team. And I hear the racial slurs from the other players, and the referees don’t like him (not all, but a lot of them). Brian Wilde from CTV is a white reporter saying this.
Montreal has only hockey, football and soccer. The City of Toronto has hockey, football, soccer, basketball, horse racing, and has not wasted energy talking about separating Ontario from Canada which costs a lot of money in jobs for people dreaming of their own country.
On Saturday, September 12, Campbell Park in St. Henri-Little Burgundy was crowded. Every year there is an event in the park and everybody who is anybody attends. This year, vocalist Skipper Dean drew cheers two lines into his sensational “A Change Is Gonna Come”, after the show.
Everybody said, “That song must have been dedicated to Liberal Candidate Marc Miller because the southwest area of Montreal needs their representative, someone who will represent them.
Genius said, “It’s about time because all of the other people that we voted for in the past betrayed us.”
Everybody said “Amen!”
Now That’s Been Said, said, “Let me tell you, or explain, what an insult and latent racism is. The City of Montreal with the present mayor and no city councilor standing up to oppose this travesty.”
With all of the media present. City Hall must have called the media, The City of Montreal unveiled a park bench with a plaque in honor of a Montreal legend, the Great Antonio. He was 400 pounds, ate 12 hot dogs and used to pull 4 buses, and he was featured in a few movies. Now I don’t care what the City Hall does for the Great Antonio, but the powers-that-be at City Hall should not take us all for fools, some maybe, but not all.
The regulars at the barbershop and the members of the Ways and Means Committee know what’s going on.
How can there be 55 city councilors at City Hall, and only one Black one, endorse such a joke without a statue, or building or something named in St. Henri after the greatest ambassador for Canada, Oscar Peterson.
They named a metro station after Lionel Groulx. If you don’t know who Lionel Groulx was, just Google it.
At the event in Campbell Park, Naomi from Bibleway Church on Coursol Street was there. She had a booth with food and it’s obvious to understand why there was a line up. Her variety of food was outstanding, especially the fish cakes. There was an Amen from Everybody.
One of the regulars of the Ways and Means Committee was saying that Trevor Williams, head coach of the Women’s team at Dawson College has a few players who have such a bright future that they have to wear sunglasses.
And Wayne Yearwood, Head Coach of the men’s basketball team at Dawson College has a few players on his team that have more moves than Allied Van Lines.
Joe and Yvonne at St. Mary’s Hospital said, “Don’t worry about old age, it doesn’t last that long.”
Schoolboy said, “My professor at university told us. All of us could take a lesson from the weather, it pays no attention to criticism.”
There was an “Amen” from everybody.
We attended the event at Campbell Park aka Oscar Peterson Park. We met a lot of organizations and now understand what all form and no substance means. What a lot of the people at the event told us: poverty pimps. They pointed out a lot of people who are poverty pimps (organizations that live on government grants).
Marc Miller will make changes by getting issues taken care of. He will work with his friend Oliver Jones, OC. He will work with his friend Skipper Dean; he will work with his friend Trevor Williams. He’s already started.
Bobby White came into the barbershop with a few friends. They had autographed photos of Lizanne Murphy and Nira Fields who will represent Canada in the 2016 Olympics on the Women’s Basketball Team. It was a collective effort with the YMCA Hampton branch and the WestEnd Sports Association that helped these two Olympians achieve their Olympic dreams.
The volunteers told Bobby White, “We would like you to vote for Marc Miller of the Liberal Party.”
Bobby White looked at the young volunteers and said, “You’re asking me to vote for Marc Miller?”
Bobby White said, “Let me tell you about the Liberal Party. We had a very good friend, I said, we had, Richard Lord. He introduced everybody in St. Henri-Little Burgundy to Pierre Elliott Trudeau, John Turner and Marc Lalonde.
Richard Lord was a great guy who was loved by everybody and would call Ottawa to do you a favor. Marlene Jennings who became a Member of Parliament would do you a favor; Warren Allmand who was a Liberal for many, many years would do you a favor.
A favor means when you want something done courtesy of an elected official, a person elected by the people, they work for the people that elected them.
My point is, the only political party at the federal level that did anything good for the middle class or downtown, South West, was… is the Liberal party.
When you see the outdoor basketball courts in St. Henri / Little Burgundy, that was done with pressure from Bobby White and the Liberal Party. When you see that co-op on Guy Street just below St. Antoine Street that was done because of pressure from the Liberal Party and Bobby White. The Veteran’s taxi was put together with pressure from the Liberal Party and Benjamin White, father of Bobby White.”
Now the regulars of the Ways and Means Committee sent out a call to all parties just before the election campaign started, only one returned the call, the Liberal Party.  Nobody knows who the other political parties are. Yes, you see posters of the candidates representing the other parties, but nobody knows who they are; they never met us or we have never met them.