Former Montrealer release first album of comedy
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Here an undenialble truth. With all its uncertainties and tribulations, the world today can do with an extra dose of the tingling humor of Kris Bonaparte.
So it’s with appropriate excitement that fans of the former Montrealer receive news that has just released (on Canada Day) his long-awaited debut album “Kris Bonaparte Is The Truth” on iTunes, Apple Music, Google Play, Spotify and all digital audio retailers.
Bonaparte bills himself as one of Canada’s finest comedic storytellers. But those who are familiar with him are just as taken in by his laid-back, unassuming deliveries that always delivered with a double edged dagger.
He refers to it as his “deadly pen.”
We remember him way back as a very young guy on stage at Club Soda, quiet, innocent-looking and very concerned about the political preoccupation of the day :
“I hear the Quebec premier saying that we need a lot more white Quebecor babies… (long, long pause)
I can help….In fact, I’d love to help…”
And so it went that evening, gem after gem from a youngster whose toxic mixture of innocence and irrevernce made a him irresitible to many in the audience.
Way back when, as he put together his forray into stand-up comedy, Bonaparte was never willing to wait on anyone to help in his climb to where he wanted to be. Nah, he was one of the originals when it came to creating the independent comedy scene in Montreal.
He continues on his journey of self reliance in his new city, T.O.
He states that last fall, his Premium Comedy’s project “The Great Black North Comedy Tour” took Ontario by storm.
Now with the release of the album ‘Kris Bonaparte is The Truth’ all of Canada can find a way to enjoy one of Montreal’s favorite sons of comedy, in these still cloudy days of COVID-19.
Again it is available on on iTunes, Apple Music, Google Play, Spotify and all digital audio retailers.
KRIS BONAPARTE IS THE TRUTH can be purchased as a digital file for $9.99 and also physically as a CD for $12.99 on the newly launched Premium Comedy website.
Sometimes we have to laugh.