SIMPLY PUT… Opinions


Africa is the world’s bitch, its dubious leaders the pimps. But all bad things will end – one day Watching a BBC program a few weeks ago, an African...

Be Bold Opinions

Be Bold

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. “The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who...

Happy Mother’s Day… all year round Opinions

Happy Mother’s Day… all year round

Who can find a virtuous woman in this day and age? Hoping you’ve all had a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend. I am of the opinion that Mother’s Day should...

African Roundup May 16, 2019
African News

African Roundup May 16, 2019

South Africans losing hope in their cornerstone, the ANC. For the past 25 years, democracy in South Africa has been synonymous with the African National Congress (ANC). The ANC...

Attention Black Community —  Before Us lies our greatness Opinions

Attention Black Community — Before Us lies our greatness

It is absolutely normal for Black folks to want to exude pride in our history, but sadly it is apparent that we have gone way overboard in the process....

We struggle because… Opinions

We struggle because…

History has taught us a lot about upheavals for change, and no battle during these ongoing struggles has been easy for those on the ground, seeking to alter certain...