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There’s still so much that’s not known about the circumstances surrounding the shooting of Sheffield Matthews during the early morning of Thursday, October 29, near to the corner of Cote St Luc Road and West Hill Avenue in N.D.G.
What we have learn so far is that around 6:00 AM that morning, Matthews, who was just two days shy of his 42nd birthday appeared to be in crisis and was on the street with a knife in his hands.
So far we have learnt from the Bureau of Independent Investigations (BEI), which investigates police shootings, that he appeared to be in a state of crisis, when the police arrived.
They say he might have been threating to a motorist on the street and that he was walking towards the police cruiser when he was shot to death.
Those who know Matthews describe him as a hard-working guy, who as an undocumented immigrant worked as a handyman doing carpentry, residential painting, plumbing and whatever he can to eek out a living.
The day after he was killed, a female acquaintance, took to Facebook to let it be known that the father of two, spent much of his time helping others and trying to support his children.
Matthews who was born on Nov 1. 1978, has two daughters, a 22-year-old university student here in Montreal and a 12 year old in Ohio.
He apparently came to Canada around 2011-2012, just before this country imposed visa restrictions on citizens of St. Vincent, where he was born. He has been living here since.
He has two brothers in Alaska along with his mother, another brother, sister, nieces and nephews in New York.
His sister Michelle Small told the CONTACT that nothing brought more joy to Sheffield than family.
“He loved my son, whom he called Spiderman and my daughter, who was “Plums” to him.
We are all devastated here in New York. My mother is not well so we can’t tell her too much. She is just walking around the house looking for things to do to take her mind of her son.”
Michelle says they are finding it difficult to get any information from the police.
“All they told us is that the investigation might take about a year to complete.”
She and her mother are in the process of acquiring proper documentation to come to Montreal to assist with funeral arrangements.
A Cousin Remembers
Sheffield Mathews
My cousin Sheffield Matthews and I grew up in the same household in Rillan Hill from an early age with a very tight bond. During the years I knew him, he was a kind person who always had a smile on his face and looked out for others.
I can describe Sheffield as a man of integrity and good character who dedicated his life to his daughters Breanna age 12 in Ohio and a 22 year-old in Canada. He worked tirelessly and honestly to take care of his kids even after they became adults because family meant the world to him.
Sheffield was never in trouble with the law and worked very hard as a construction worker with the Mustique Company and the Buccament Bay Resort before migrating abroad in 2001. Though he was away, the relationship with him was never a distant one.
Sheffield continued plying his trade as a construction worker and always looked out for his family. He was a free handed person who always gave and never held back and nothing or any task was never difficult for him to do as he believed in helping others.
On Thursday afternoon October 29th, the news hit home very hard and suddenly that he was shot and killed by police in Montreal, Canada early that same morning. We are still trying to gather the information leading up to this tragedy.
No family member will feel happy to know that their loved one was snatched away by any senseless killing because he wasn’t a person who made trouble. All he did was work the shirt off his back to make ends meets to support the people in his life and take care of himself.
At this time, his family abroad and in St. Vincent is still consumed with grief and despair until our hearts eventually heal.
Funeral arrangements for Sheffield will be made later on and we accept all condolences of love and support poured out to the family through Social Media and other forms.
Sheffield was loved by many and would have turned 42 years on the 1st November, 2020. We wish his death was just a dream and it is hard emotionally to know it’s reality as many friends have also been left in a state of shock. R.I.P Sheffield, we will always love you.
Submitted by Natalie Matthews (Cousin of the deceased)