Businesses should reflect those in their midst

Businesses should reflect those in their midst

Allow me to hand this to you straight even at the risk of making some readers irate, or summon extreme vitriol online and otherwise.
Where it pertains to racial inequity, I think the truth must be told if Blacks are to be set free and remain free especially.
Currently, the biggest problem in our Black community is how black labor and black money create wealth and power only for all other races– Asians, East Indians, Middle Eastern except for us.
Every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every week, every month and every year the Black community is making all other races and groups wealthy and successful by constantly allowing them into our midst to open businesses and not hire one single Black person or give back to our community.
Instead what little wealth and money we have is taken away and placed into the pockets of people who could not care less if a Black teenager gets killed by racist police officers.
Yes, we allow them to become wealthy at the backs and sweat of the B lack men and women, while these same racist business owners disrespect our children, our elders, and basically our people every day.
We continue to allow them to do it without any type of repercussions for the constant insult and discrimination towards our community, while still continuing to take our dollars.
Pray say, when have we ever seen any of them openly support a Black initiative, or show support on Black issues.
Do Asian people allow Black people to open a business in their Asian community?
The answer is a resounding no.
Asian people are very proud people and from appearances they seem to only trust those who look like them.
They understand the message of race and culture survival in Canada because this community regardless if they are Koreans, Chinese, Japanese or other nationalities understand that when they arrive in Canada they must stick with each other, live in the same neighborhood, and work together for a common goal.
They are always on code and only hire their own people to work for them, and a few Blacks to wash the dishes.
The Asian community also understands that racists in Canada/ Quebec do not like Blacks therefore, they themselves quickly adopt the ways of the racists after they are able to secure loans and resources to build and open businesses such as restaurants, nail salons, hair care beauty shops and massage parlors.
Do the Middle-Eastern or Arabs allow Black people to open business in their Middle eastern community?
Again the answer is “hell no”. They too are a proud people who also understand the importance of uniting with each other based on race, religion and culture.
Many are among the biggest business owners in the poorest inner city neighborhoods but rarely do we see them giving back when it comes to hiring or investing in these neighborhoods.
Do African Americans C
As long as Blacks continue to give their unconditional support to the businesses of other races that will not hesitate to insult, humiliate and dehumanize them, they will never be free from the grasp of racism.
It is time to put a stop to the disrespect towards our community, children, men, women, and the elderly.
I encourage every Black person in their own respective community not to support and boycott those businesses in neighborhood with larger Black populations and not hire any of our children.
All businesses in communities with large Black populations should make every effort to hire Blacks the same way that if you visit an Asian, Middle Eastern community in Canada you would see their people working.

The struggle continues.