Obituaries May 6, 2022

Obituaries May 6, 2022


From Sunrise to Sunset
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal
Love leaves a memory no one can steal
Pat, a spiritual being now in God’s domain and missed by friends and family.

Your Love Lucia Ezra, Tanja, Ann, Patrick
Junior, Philbert, Roxanne, Kevin and Grandchildren, All In Loving Memory.


Esther Gordon Forbes
March 2nd, 1925 – May 5, 2022

The family is saddened to announce the recent passing of our matriarch
Esther Gordon Forbes, who died on May 5, 2022.
She was 97 years old.

She is survived by her six children, Beverly, Andrew, Joyce Williams, Blanche, Violet Wright and Horace as well as 20 grandchildren, 30 great grandchildren and five great, great grandchildren. Funerals arrangements are being finalized.


Roy Lester Simpson
Sunrise: May 13, 1933-Sunset: May 15, 2020

Living here without you is the saddest time of all. We hold
you close to our hearts and there you shall remain. Rest in peace dear loved one.

Remembered by wife Murrell, children Vascol, Wayne, David and Donna as well as grandchildren Chelsea, Elizabeth, Parker and Shawn also relatives and friends.


Anniversary Tribute To
Tafari Mills-Ogilvie
( Jan 15 1989 – May 7, 2003 )

Continue resting in peace for he who died…
Gonna see ya one day up in paradise, as soon as an end, comes to our life.
We know we’ve never been there but we have some advice; you’d betta

Open your eyes for a surprise, your mouth is gonna be closed, they’re gonna be pure streets of gold.

We wrote those words after Tafari left us.

We have some more to say today, Tafari was our Moses. He led us out of trouble.

Don’t forget his motto: “ Helping is the key to one’s life. It’s the key to all lives. If you help someone, you will receive the help in return.
Helping is the key to live. The key to all lives. I enjoy helping my teacher with the photo-copie machine as well as the younger youths with their homework, teaching them how to shoot basketball properly.
It must have been fun for Tafari to share his birthday with his hero Martin Luther King Jr. They were also similar peace-makers who both made a difference.

Here we are 20 years later.
Your memory lives on …. It’s even greater
Your message is still strong: be respectful, stay in school, play sport and be helpful to all mankind.

Rest In Peace, our dear Tafari M.V.P.
Can still see it in your eyes. Well we gonna see ya some day up in paradise. Until then continue to Rest In Peace. We love you but our Lord and saviour love you more.

Tafari, we continue to remember you through family dinners, pictures, videos and your scholarship foundation.

We’re asking for donations to the Tafari Scholarship Foundation. Funds go towards helping youth staying in school. This was a project dear to a Tafari’s heart.

Send your donation to Sun Youth Organization.
Click on to the Sun Youth website. Mention Tafari’s name with your donation. A tax receipt available.

We thank you for reading some of Tafari story

Mills Ogilvie Family.