It’s time to check-in to ask yourself how you’re doing.
How many times has someone asked you how you’re doing and your response was: “I’m fine?”
But, were you really fine?
Were you really okay?
Were you telling them the truth?
Were you telling yourself the truth?
It’s important to be honest with others in the appropriate manner and setting; but it’s just as important if not more important to be honest with yourself.
Self-deception will keep you stuck.
Acknowledging the truth about how you’re doing is imperative to moving toward your ideal self. It means acknowledging your strengths and capabilities as well as your weaknesses, struggles and flaws.
We are all imperfect people.
Being honest about how you are doing helps you to determine what’s working and what’s not working in your life.
Acknowledging your truth and searching within can be scary and painful at times, but it’s all part of the process. You’ll probably experience an overall sense of relief because you will no longer be pretending to be okay when you’re not.
So, the question is…
How are you doing spiritually, emotionally, physically and financially?
Where do you want to be and what steps will it take to get you there?
We have to keep it real… we have to tell ourselves the truth.
In my own self-reflection I’ve learned that change requires truth and honesty.
It takes time, energy, commitment and faith to look within and see your truth. I know that it’s easier said than done, but it can be done if that’s what you really want to do.
You may need the help of a trusted friend/counselor/coach to walk with you on this journey, but I believe that the benefits of asking for outside assistance outweigh the risks, so ask for help if you need it. I know that you want to be the best version of yourself!
So, the next time someone asks you how you are doing… be honest. Now, I’m not saying that you have to over-share and tell everyone all of your business, but try to get into the habit of being honest for example: “It’s been a hard week.”
Remember, being honest about how you are doing will not necessarily change the situation but it will relieve the stress of pretending and acting like everything is perfect.
You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free – John 8:32