First, I would like to thank my Lord and Savior for giving me the strength and resources to keep this newspaper going. It has been a great challenge to uphold the standards and reputation of the Contact.
Mourning the loss of my father while becoming a father myself has been the biggest test of my life. Balancing the daily challenges of running a business that serves the community while also providing for my family has not been easy. However, thanks to my wonderful and dedicated staff, as well as your unwavering support, you’ve helped me continue
living this dream.
I want to express my deepest gratitude to my stepmother, Elizabeth, for joining me in the trenches and tackling the many personalities and challenges that come with this business. I also want to thank my wife and sisters for assisting with promotional work and supporting me through the day-to-day struggles.
To my partner-in-crime, Rosie: thank you for your hard work,
positivity, and relentless attitude. You are truly the backbone of this paper.
To all our writers: thank you for your dedication and commitment to submitting articles for every issue, ensuring we continue to deliver world-class content.
To our advertisers: your confidence and financial support make this all possible—we couldn’t keep this going without you.
And last but certainly not least, thank you to you, our loyal readers and supporters. Your words of encouragement, financial contributions, physical support, and love for my father and this newspaper are the reasons why the Montreal Community Contact continues to thrive.
As we approach 2025 and celebrate 33 years in business, we look forward to continuing to showcase the very best our community has to offer.
Once again, thank you.